


Therapist Certification Program Registration

    Registration For

    Level 1 – 4.5 Day Program, Toronto, ON - Regular Price - $2997Level 1 – 4.5 Day Program, Toronto, ON – Early Registration Price - $1997Level 2 – Advanced Training 2 Day Program - TBADeposit to Register for Upcoming PNRT Training - $500I am interested and want to make an appointment to discuss the possibilities

    Your Information

    • First Name

    • Last Name

    • Address 1

    • Address 2

    • City

    • Province

    • Country

    • Postal Code

    • Email

    • Home Phone Number:

    • Cell Phone Number:

    • Referred by


    Payment Method

    Cheque (Payable to Courageous Living)Credit Card

    Credit Card Information:

    • Name

    • Card Type

    • Number

    • Expiry Date

    Please enter security code:


    We will contact you by email with a receipt
    and ticket confirmation.